"Den" Ltd - about usDEN LTd. is a trade company registered in 1998 with main office the city of Burgas, Gladston Str. № 69. Company registration number in the Registry Agency: 102082427. The company is registered as an agricultural producer and a grain trader. Company’s subject of activity – producing and trading with agricultural products within the boundaries of the country as well as exporting the above products. DEN LTd. holds agricultural buildings in Sokolovo village, Karnobat Municipality, Burgas District, as well as a modern machine-tractor park which is a precondition for implementing qualitative agriculture. DEN LTd. holds its own grain storehouses on its own area in the town of Aytos – industrial zone with special technology for winnowing, preparation and sorting out the products, in order to suit all the requirements of its clients. DEN LTd. maintains contacts and relations with multiple firms within the boundaries of the country as well as in Turkey, Romania, Greece and Germany. |